Difference between Ticketing Parking Systems and Token Based Parking Systems

  • Posted On: January 21, 2020
  • Posted By: Admin

Token based parking systems:

Pay on foot parking systems are an intelligent parking payment systems that are generally designed to maximize earnings from your parking areas. It is used to save entry / exit time of vehicle and other related information. Token based parking systems can suit your needs when you require hourly based parking rates or day-based parking rates. Token based parking solutions can provide an effective and reliable solution for car parks with fewer parking spaces. Having installed token based parking systems at different parking facilities can automate the practice, understanding and potential to help design a system that works smoothly. In token based parking solutions the system uses only tokens to authorize the vehicle and all related machines are designed to meet your site requirements.



  • High performance / Durability
  • Less power consumption / Data recovery for online function
  • Access rights verification / Supports offline and stand-alone feature
  • Intelligent parking payment solution / Supports multi-language user interface

Ticketing parking systems:

Ticketing systems for parking are designed to offer a powerful, flexible and trustworthy solution for producing earning from parking facilities. Ticketing system for parking consists of ticket issuing machine installed at entry points. In ticketing system for parking, the initial ticket consists of a barcode. This is used to calculate the actual time of vehicle in the parking facility and to calculate the relevant charges. Once the payment is received, an exit ticket is issued to authorize the driver to exit the parking facility.



  • Access rights verification / Reliable Ticketing parking system
  • Data recovery for online function / Robust and secure
  • Security lock including keys / Completely customizable
  • Offline features / Intelligent and paid parking system